What is the Role of a CTO in an Early Stage Startup?

I talked to countless early-stage startups looking to hire a Chief Technology Officer. Many entrepreneurs just don’t understand the role of CTO in an early-stage startup. In a growing company, the role of Chief Technical Officer is somewhat defined. But in the case of an early-stage startup, the role of a CTO is often evolving and ambiguous. In most startups, the role of the CTO is to do all of the technical tasks that nobody else is doing. It can be a long list and can cause friction in the early stages with CEO and other senior team members. That’s […] Read More

How to Proceed When Someone Else is Working on your Startup Idea?

Imagine that you are planning to start a new Startup. You have a fantastic startup idea to build. And you need to ensure your approach is unique and doesn’t exist. You start working on the concept. You are enthusiastic, and you are on to something.  One day your friend finds that your idea is the same concept of another Startup. At the same time, your product is preparing to launch. You realized that you had wasted weeks and months in developing a startup idea already exists. Now you are confused and devastated!  Sometimes it happens because of our lack of […] Read More

How to Protect Your Business Idea When Working with Developers and Partners?

Do you know How to protect your business idea? App development isn’t a one-person job. To make a quality product, you will need to work with partners. They can help to fund the project and guide it through all the steps between idea conception and market success. You will also need developers who can help to make your idea into a functioning and practical reality. It’s necessary to learn how to protect your business idea along with it.  The problem that keeps many people up at night is how to get potential partners and developers on board without telling all […] Read More

How Much Equity Should You Offer Your Startup’s Advisors?

How Much Equity Do Startup Advisors Get? If you are creating a startup, you need to bring in a group of advisors in addition to your founders. And need to be aware of how much equity do startup advisors get? These advisers should be able to introduce you to potential customers, partners, and investors. The question is, how do you compensate them? How much equity should you give to them? That depends on which stage your project has reached and how much value they are bringing to the table. Many of the considerations discussed here may need to be adjusted […] Read More

What is Wrong with Incubators and Why We Are Starting a New One?

When Bill Gross created Idealabin 1996, during the early days of the internet boom, startup incubators were a fairly unique concept. Incubators differ from research and tech parks. Incubators are strictly dedicated to startups. Most tech parks do not offer any business assistance services. Business incubation has jump-started our economy in many cases. Now accelerators and incubators have multiplied and are found all over the world. In the most recent count, it was determined that there are more than 6000 accelerators and incubators out there and they do a great job. In our local market, 1871 is a thriving incubator. […] Read More